Thursday, September 24, 2009

St. Pierre, Day #2

Well, the weather was pretty poor today, as forecast. When we woke up, it was chilly, windy, and misting rain. We walked next door to the hotel restaurant for our continental breakfast (coffee & croissants) and then our guide came to pick us up at 9:30am.

Our first stop was the old post office in town, where we bought some souvenier stamps and mailed a few postcards. Next, we had a private tour of a nearby museum that followed the life of two nuns that arrived long ago. After that, we went to another, much larger museum that focused on St. Pierre during the peak of cod fishing at the turn of the century. The museum had paper & crayons, so the boys were quite content to color in the lobby while we took a quick tour. Afterwards, we had a delicious lunch and retired to the hotel for a little siesta.
Around 3pm, Michele, Brandon, Cameron & I went back out for a driving tour of St. Pierre. Roland stayed at the hotel to take a nap while Sandy & Justin worked on homework. The weather had gone from bad to worse and it was now raining steadily. We wound our way through the city and out to the countryside. The rained subsided for a few moments when we reached the West coast and I got out to snap a panoramic photo. Then, we made our way back toward the city.

We stopped in a little candy / coffee shop to get a snack and met up with our guide’s daughter and 3-month old grandson, Alex. Cameron was fascinated with the little boy and couldn’t take his eyes off of him. I can’t wait to see how he gets along with his new baby sister!

After our coffee break, we picked up a few supplies at the store and came back to the hotel to freshen up for dinner. The food was great (I had scallops), the service was quicker, and they also had a little play table for the kids to color. It was a very enjoyable meal.

Tomorrow, we will depart St. Pierre for Halifax. I was encouraged this evening to see the rain stopped and the clouds were beginning to break up. Hopefully, we will have better weather for our departure tomorrow morning. Loading the bags in the rain is no fun!

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