After breakfast, we packed up a few last minute items and then headed to the airport around 10:15am. I can’t imagine why the Halifax Airport is 20 miles from downtown when there is so much empty land all over the place –it’s puzzling… The weather was cold and grey this morning and there was a lot of bad weather along the entire Northeast US & Canada. I hoped that our flights would go as planned.
We finally got to the airport and I dropped everyone off at the departures curb and headed to the FBO to load up our airplane. Michele & co. brought only carry-on bags onto the airline and I was to bring all the luggage home in our Caravan. When I started loading up the plane, I realized that there were probably over 50 separate items: suitcases, duffle bags, plastic bags full of dirty clothes, coats, souveniers, shoes, etc. I imagined myself trying to lug all the stuff into customs in Bangor and decided to invest some time getting organized before I took off. I spent about 30 minutes cramming all the loose stuff into the suitcases.
I took off around noon and climbed into the murky clouds. I had just lifted off when the sat-phone rang. It was Michele calling to let me know her flight was cancelled. I was so disappointed –all my careful planning was down the drain. Now, when would she & the kids get home? Today? Tomorrow? Another day of school missed? Well, I couldn’t focus on that, because I was busy with my departure, but I asked Michele to call me back when she got some news. About an hour later, she called and told me they were getting ready to leave, but she was unsure if they would make their connection in NYC.
Meanwhile, I was still slogging along in the clouds, which I don’t mind too much. However, it was starting to get pretty bumpy. I was glad that Michele & the rest of the family weren’t with me, because they might start to get airsick. I asked ATC for a lower altitude and was cleared down to 8,000 feet. Still, the turbulence persisted. After about 30 minutes, everything smoothed out. I took the opportunity to get the weather in Bangor. Rain, clouds, etc. I sure am glad I got my instrument rating!
After landing in Bangor, I waited dutifully by the aircraft for the customs agent. He arrived about 10 minutes later, collected my immigration / customs card, glanced at my passport, walked around the plane once, and went on his way. Whew! I was really not looking forward to dragging all the luggage around in the rain! I put a quart of oil in the plane and then grabbed a sandwich from the vending machine while they fueled it.
Soon, I was in the clouds again. I flew through rain & clouds for the first couple of hours –boring! When I got to New York, things started to clear up. By the time I got to Atlantic City, I had mostly clear skies and I enjoyed sightseeing down the Atlantic Coast. I cancelled my IFR and flew lower to get a good view of Ocean City, Maryland, where I went many times as a teenager.
Finally, about 4 ½ hours after I took off, I was on final approach into Newport News, VA. The sun was just setting as I touched down and it was gorgeous! Stuff like that makes you feel happy to be alive. I wished I had a couple more hands so I could take a photo.
When I turned on my cell phone, I was happy to see a text message from Michele saying they made their connection and were home in Tampa. That was a load off of my mind. I caught a cab for the short ride to a very nice Courtyard Marriott. I got a quick dinner in the hotel restaurant and I am looking forward to turning in. Tomorrow, I plan to leave around sunrise and should be back in Tampa by lunchtime.